Customer at bar ignored open carry laws and shoots armed robbers

A customer at a bar in Houston ignored open carry laws. Luckily for those around him, he shot and killed 2 of 4 armed robbers.

According to KHOU:

Just after closing around 2:30 Saturday morning, four armed men barged in at EJ’s Place demanding money.

Instead, a customer inside the bar, which is located on the 16500 block of Kuykendahl Road, pulled out his gun and started exchanging fire with the robbers. He shot and killed two of them while the other two ran. Once the heated exchange ended, the patron left, too.

“We’re still trying to determine who he is, and why he left the scene,” said Harris County Sheriff’s Sgt. Robert Spurgeon.

At the moment it is still illegal for citizens to carry a gun into a bar, which is most likely why the patron fled the scene. Regardless of the local and state laws, most believe that this man had every right to defend himself and the people in that bar.

This is a prime example of why ‘gun free zones’ don’t make you safe. It is just a false hope that can actually put you into harms way because criminals aren’t expecting anyone to be able to defend themselves. That is precisely why the other 2 robbers ran away. They don’t want to die, which is why allowing law-abiding citizens to carry actually protects you and your loved ones.

If criminals don’t know whether or not someone is carrying a gun, it gives them fear. Fear leads to hesitation and reconsideration. When criminals are afraid to rob/steal/rape/kill, that is when there will be less crime.

Moms Demand Action now attacking Kroger

Chipotle, Target, Starbucks, Jack and the Box. One tends to wonder who will be their next victim?

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is now targeting Kroger, the largest supermarket retailer, and demands that they rethink their policy to allow open carry of firearms in their stores.

How as a mother, am I supposed to know if the person with a loaded AR-15 is a gun extremist trying to make a political statement or if I should duck and cover? Kroger shouldn’t leave that ambiguous”

-Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action, told The Daily Beast.

Kroger officials have given no statements indicating that they will ban guns in their stores.

Kroger’s policy is to follow state and local laws, and we have requested that all of our customers be respectful of other customers and our associates when shopping in our stores. We recognize the sincerity of beliefs held by people on both sides of the gun issue, which we believe is a public policy best determined by lawmakers.

-Kroger spokeswoman Rachael Betzler said Thursday.

Shannon Watts believes that the store should disregard state and local laws when they aren’t protecting children and families. Honestly, she couldn’t be more wrong. Allowing open carry IS protecting children and families. When a criminal comes into a store armed most people would want a good guy with a gun. Oh wait. Shannon doesn’t think they exist. Just in case you’re in the crazy cab with her, I have provided a few links below just to save time on my rantings.

  1. Man looks for someone to kill randomly at hotel in San Antonio. Armed citizen steps in and saves the day.
  2. Good guy with a gun wins in Chicago.
  3. Armed criminal bets citizen doesn’t have a gun and guessed wrong. (This shows that criminals have NO idea. Ever consider that they’ll think twice knowing that anyone could be carrying?)
  4. Armed South Carolina resident puts a stop to a possible killing spree.
  5. What happened in Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas. Sorry Shannon.
  6. School shooter stopped in less than 60 seconds thanks to good guys with guns.
  7. Armed citizen stops robber and holds him at gun point in parking lot until police arrive.

Moms Demand doesn’t talk about these because well, that would make them look uninformed.

Shannon Watts also issued a statement saying that they intend to deliver petitions to other Kroger-owned stores such as Harris Teeter, Fry’s, and others. If these companies don’t enact gun bans, Moms Demand Action threatens to post open carry images on Twitter and attack via social media.

When are these stores going to stop letting some silly organization bully them on the web? I thought that liberals were against cyber bullying? Kroger is not causing any harm by allowing their customers to follow state and local laws.

Anti-Gun Advocate Admits Gun Control Won’t Stop Gun Violence

Mark Kelly, husband to former Congresswoman, Gabby Giffords, acknowledged in an interview with CNN that gun control will not stop gun violence in America.

Jake Tapper: “When you hear about ‘school shootings’ or other ‘mass shootings’ in public, what law can actually stop them?”

Mark Kelly: “You’re never going to stop all of them.”

So the question is, if anti-gun advocates don’t even believe that gun control laws will fix the problem, then why are they so driven on making sure that this country is gun free?

Fact of the matter is, there aren’t as many mass shootings as Bloomberg, Obama, and Mom’s Demand want you to think. Implementing gun control laws doesn’t prevent mass shootings because criminals don’t follow laws. The only thing that it does is restrict law abiding citizens from their right to own and carry.

California Governor Signs New Bill Allowing Gun Confiscation

On Tuesday, Democratic Governor Jerry Brown signed into a new law stating that a close relative or law enforcement can petition to have a firearm taken from citizen, also known as the ‘Gun Restraining Order’. There are 2 major problems with the ‘logic’ behind this law:

1. Taking one weapon away from someone who wants to do harm to another individual will not keep them from finding another way. Take a gun away, fine. They’ll find a knife, bat, hammer, whatever. You’re giving the ‘close relative’ false hope that just because you took their gun away, they are no longer in danger.

2. Close relatives and law enforcement: Honestly, who is looking into this? What would happen if a LEO petitioned to have someone’s firearms confiscated- would anyone look into the reasoning or are they going to take their word for it? This gives people power to disarm citizens for any reason.

Below is the article from Guns N Freedom. What do you think?

The state of California has long been the state with some of the strictest gun laws in the country. It just got much worse.

Yahoo reported that people who fear a close relative may commit gun violence will be able to petition a judge to temporarily remove the person’s firearms in California, under a bill signed into law on Tuesday by Democratic Governor Jerry Brown.

The legislation – the first such measure in the United States – was introduced after police in Isla Vista near Santa Barbara said they were unable to confiscate weapons from a man who later went on a rampage and killed six people, despite concern from his family.

“In the case of the Isla Vista shooter, Elliot Rodger, his mother was noticing that he was becoming more agitated and making these threats of violence, but there was little she could do and little the police could do,” said Democratic Assembly member Nancy Skinner of Berkeley, who introduced the bill along with Santa Barbara Democrat Das Williams.

Under the so-called gun violence restraining order in the court system, immediate family members and law enforcement agencies could ask a judge to order guns temporarily removed from certain individuals.

The restraining order would last 21 days, and could be extended up to a year, after a notice and a hearing.

“The new ‘Gun Violence Restraining Order’ law will give families and law enforcement a needed tool to reduce the risk of mass shootings and gun violence both in the home and on our streets,” said Nick and Amanda Wilcox, legislative co-chairs of the California Chapters of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

The law has support from law enforcement agencies and is based on an existing measure that temporarily blocks people with domestic violence restraining orders from owning a gun.

“If it can save one life, one family from that agony, it will be worth it,” Democratic state Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, said during debate on the measure.

Many of us say that the bill infringed on the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

Brown also signed a bill on Tuesday requiring BB guns and pellet guns to be brightly colored or otherwise marked so that law enforcement officers do not mistake them for deadly firearms.

The bill was introduced after a 13-year-old Northern California boy was shot and killed by a sheriff’s deputy while carrying a pellet gun that looked like an assault weapon.

The law also expanded the definition of a BB gun in California to include firearms that shoot pellets larger than 6 millimeters.

Just one more step for California.

Want to get your Concealed Carry Permit? Be careful where you go

Most people who keep up with my blog know that I am looking to get my CCW here when things calm down for me a bit (hopefully very soon). Because of this, I have been doing lots of looking around. I had a great course when I was first learning and I’m looking for a great course to lead me into the next steps of my gun-owning life.

Since I know very little about what it takes in order to get your concealed carry permit, I started doing some digging. First things to come up were nearby courses either at the NRA Headquarters or at small ranges with NRA instructors. These courses have been running anywhere from $100-$200. Not too bad, but then scrolling down the Google page I find ‘Online Concealed Carry Course only $19.99’. This caught my eye. Not just because of the price, but because a huge red flag went up when I read that a gun safety course was offered as an online program… What?

My assumption was that I would need at least an 8 hour day sitting in a lecture hall of some sort and another day of range practice. So how in the world could someone do this online? Truth is, you can’t.

350+ concealed carry permit holders in South Carolina are getting their permits revoked because of the lack of proper training. Well duh!

Pro-tip: Anywhere that offers you a ‘certificate’ either online or in a class and DOESN’T require that you demonstrate proper knowledge and safety can get you into a lot of trouble. If we want people to be on our side when it comes to gun laws, we need instructors who are serious about their position and students who are willing to put forth proper training. Having bogus instructors who would give a concealed carry permit to just about anyone only opens doors for anti-gun advocates.

If you want to get your concealed carry permit, I applaud you, but let’s be smart here and do things the way they are intended. And remember, you get what you pay for.

The Gun Grabbers Are Shooting Blanks In 2014


Anti-Gun Movement Runs Out Of Steam In 2014

” For gun policy watchers in 2014, the game has become a one-sided affair. Gun rights advocates continue to rack up political and legal victories, while the anti-gun movement “seems to have run out of steam entirely” says John Pierce, co-founder of, and a Virginia gun rights attorney specializing in ‘gun trusts’ and the restoration of gun rights under Virginia and federal law.

  2014 looked promising for gun rights from the ‘get-go’ when in February the Federal Ninth Circuit held that the Second Amendment does not permit states to require citizens to justify their need to carry guns. The Court struck down California’s “may issue” carry permit scheme, generally following the precedent set by the Seventh Circuit when it struck down the Illinois ban on carrying handguns in 2012.

  July 1st then brought clarity to open carry…

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