Liberal Radio Show Host Wishes to Shoot NRA Board Member

A lot of debate is taking place over the new “guns everywhere” law in Georgia. Although gun owners in the state are pleased with the expansion of Georgia’s concealed carry laws, liberal radio show host Mike Malloy is far from it. He is so angered that he said he would like to invite an NRA Board Member to his home and shoot him using the “Stand Your Ground” Law in defense.

Once the state’s Safe Carry Protection Act receives the governor’s signature, concealed carry will be permitted in schools, bars, churches, and sections of the airport that are outside of the security parameter. Malloy’s reaction was anything but friendly OR logical.

[The] organization founded by Gabrielle Giffords…the former Arizona Congresswoman…who was critically wounded in a mass shooting in 2011, she calls it “the most extreme gun bill in America.” The NRA, which they’re behind this of course, they want guns everywhere….I would like to invite one of the NRA board members, and I’ll be armed, let’s just get this over with, OK? Come on down to Georgia and I’ll be packing heat and you be packing heat or whether you want to or not, I don’t give a damn, it’s up to you. And you come, meet me someplace, and all of sudden, see, we have stand your ground here, and all of a sudden I’m going to feel real $&#^*!@ threatened by you! And I will shoot you! If I feel threatened. The law says I can. Ha ha ha ha ha, Ha ha ha ha ha!

Seems to me that Mr. Malloy lost his ability to debate intelligently so he resorted to threats. That’s pretty typical when you face a person who bases his arguments on emotion instead of facts. Once again, another example of a liberal who has no knowledge of guns or the laws the govern them. 

So tell me Mr. Malloy, why are you more concerned that law-abiding gun owners (who I assume have proper knowledge and training) will abuse the second amendment when you’re the one publicly making threats on a person’s life? But I thought you were AGAINST gun violence!?

“Guns Everywhere” Bill Passed In Georgia

Guns Everywhere (let that sink in for just a minute).

That pretty much sums up what the recent bill that passed in Georgia where state citizens are permitted to carry their firearms anywhere at anytime. Your school, the local bar up the street, the DMV, the airport, your church, you name it. Teachers and administrators will now allowed to be armed on campus.

Ok, well before you get TOO excited, it isn’t all that simple. It should more or less be called the “Guns ALMOST Everywhere”  bill.

Carrying in a government facility is only allowed if there are not security guards already present and carrying a gun in any of these places can still get you a ticket (with about the same consequences as a speeding ticket).

I keep thinking more and more about this bill.. I do not know that guns need to be present in a church. I mean, as far as I know, I don’t see or hear of many church shootings. However, if that was the only place where guns weren’t allowed, would it open up doors for criminals to WANT to go to a church instead of a school to attack because they know no one is armed?

Another place I am not sure would be a great idea would be the bar. You’re advised not to operate heavy machinery while under the influence of alcohol or drugs because in inhibits your ability of knowing what’s right and wrong. It also messes with your perception obviously! I’ve run into some pretty angry people at the bar, literally. From my experience (and your’s may be different), violent people become even more violent while under the influence.

Alright, now to the areas I am sure about. I 100% support allowing teachers and administrators to carry at school. Most if not all ISD employees are required to undergo extensive background checks. Heck, some schools even require that their employees go through training on how to deal with a violent student. If they pass their background checks, random drug/alcohol screenings, and have to go through gun safety and violence preventative training, they why shouldn’t they be allowed to carry? Why should they not be ENCOURAGED to carry? Now before all your anti-gun lunatics go nuts over what I just said, hold your pants for just a second. When I say that teachers and campus administrators should be allowed to carry, I also think that there should be rules in place for appropriate times to use your weapon. If a student is yelling or threatening, I believe there are better ways to handle the situation. But think about this- If a student brings a gun to school and plans to use it on his/her peers, who is at the disadvantage if he/she is the only one armed or has access to a firearm? You are. Your students are. Your kids are. Your friends are. Everyone accept for the student holding the gun.

Do you honestly think that the result of past school shootings would have been more damaging if faculty were armed and properly trained on how to use a firearm? What about employees at banks? Or pharmacies?

I also wouldn’t be against having legal carry in airports. If something goes wrong, you have easy access in favor of your defense.

Well, Mindy Fischer certainly disagrees..

We have a reported 300 million guns in this country right now. When is enough enough America?? When will we value human life more than our beloved guns?? We need to really stop and take a look at all of the senseless gun violence every single day, most of which no longer even gets reported because we’ve all become so immune to it. Look at all of the mass shootings that we’ve had…that we continue to have…and that will surely go on. Look at Congress doing nothing to pass common sense  legislation.

Instead, what are they passing? They are passing things like Georgia’s House Bill 875, which expandsStand Your Ground and allows people to carry these massive amounts of loaded guns absolutely everywhere. And when more guns equals more deaths, will we all act shocked? Honestly, I just can’t even wrap my head around this type of legislation. Not in this country. Not in this century. Is this really who we’ve become?”

As much as I can KIND OF see her point, this law is not a bad thing. When will the value of human life be more than our beloved guns?! Can’t you people see that human life is of value which is why we want to protect it? When a criminal has a gun, who do you call? The police. And what do police do to stop a threat? The use their guns. Why do we need that middle man step when we can train to protect ourselves? Once again, look at the states who have banned guns. Is crime rate higher or lower? I hate to tell you this but IT IS HIGHER. Criminals don’t follow laws. That’s why they’re criminals! Like I said earlier, if you’re not armed and a criminal is, who is at the disadvantage? Who is going to get hurt? Who’s friends, family, neighbors, are going to get hurt? YOUR’S.

Finally, let’s take a look at the new gun law in Connecticut and compare it to Georgia. What do you think will happen in CT if police implement the No-Knock invasion to confiscate guns? People will fight back to protect their families and their constitutional right to bear arms. This will result in either the loss of life for the citizen or for the officers. I guarantee you. Now, I’ll try to play devil’s advocate with the GA law. Let’s say after this law passes, all the crazy nuts decide to go on a killing spree because they can now carry everywhere and anywhere they want. Don’t the good citizens have the same right? Will they or won’t they use their right to protect you and anyone else against these loons? Or we can look at it from a different standpoint. Is it a possibility that because guns are allowed everywhere for anyone that the state has created a deterrent from gun violence? If you were a crazy killer and were given a gun in a state where EVERYONE else has one, do you think you would reconsider your “master plan”? Because the end result would not look so good for you now would it?

All I am saying is that I encourage people utilize their right for defense, and implementing this law may not be the BAD HORRIBLE CRAZY STUPID DANGEROUS idea that you’re screaming about.

What are your thoughts?