Double-Barreled 1911 is here and it’s awesome

Loving guns as much as I do is both a blessing and a curse.

It’s a blessing because it motivates me to communicate my passions with others who are either uneducated or just as interested as I am in the topic. It’s also a blessing because it makes trying out new guns even more exciting. The curse part, and I am sure many of you would agree, is that sometimes it isn’t easy to make an argument in favor of purchasing said gun with anything other than “because it is freaking cool!” I ran into this tonight and decided I would share with my fellow gun lovers.

While doing my daily scrolling through different social platforms, I came across a teaser video introducing a double barrel 1911 and my jaw just dropped. I automatically glanced at my husband with a big cheesy smile on my face and said “can I buy one?” Being the economist and budget-conscious being that he is, his first question was, of course, “how much is it?” There is the problem. The MSRP on this fabulous creation is $4,400. Pretty steep for a gun that really has no other purpose than the fact that it is just really cool. I mean, it’s not like it would be practical for me to holster this bad boy on my thigh or my hip and try to get away with a “it could be a concealed carry gun” argument.

Tomorrow is apparently the day that the full review will post to YouTube and I will share it with you as well. Go ahead. Watch the teaser and tell me you don’t want to get your hands on this.

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